About Us

Galussothemes team members

Welcome to Galusso team!

We’re small team but love open source solution and marketing field, special is WordPress CMS. So, we’re working to create new WordPress theme that target for end-use who have not more knowledge with coding skills, reuse most popular WordPress plugin to build beauty theme design. On this year, we’re using Elementor as main page builder for our theme (#1 page builder for WordPress 2020), and WooCommerce (#1 eCommerce system for WordPress) to build completed solution websites for business / corporation and shopping cart.

Trusted Authors Program on 2018

GalussoThemes has been selected as Trusted Author in Trusted Authors Program which was recently launched by the WordPress Theme Review Team.

The WordPress Theme Review team launched a Trusted Authors Program on April 30, 2018, in a bid to lower the burden on reviewer/leads.

The program was initiated as an attempt to streamline the review process for authors who are consistently able to show that they can produce higher quality code and themes that are in line with the guidelines released by the WordPress Theme Review team.

The submitted applications and approvals would be handled by the team leaders only. There were a few terms and conditions to apply for the program; you can learn all about it in detail here.

A member of global team from 2021

Galussothemes is dropped and we’re new owner, we’re a member of global team, and re-use technicals that we worked for 8 years in Open Source products.

Work with us

We’re hiring sale (affiliate) marketer to promo our products and get comission (30% per sale), and if you have good result in your job, you can go with full-time position as Digital Marketer.

Spring Sale Alert! Grab 50% OFF for your purchase, code: SPRING50