If you are a beginner and don’t have any knowledge about coding, the top WordPress Javascript Plugin will help you easily add CSS, JavaScript, and even HTML, and PHP to your site.
The necessity of WordPress Javascript Plugin for your site
WordPress JavaScript Plugins are plugins that separate it into modules and improve code structure. As a result, the new code becomes easy to read and maintain. In this article, we will guide you through the great plugins below to support your website. Let’s exploit the top 7 WordPress JavaScript Plugin right now.
Top Helpful WordPress Javascript Plugins
JavaScript Inserter
Firstly, this is easy to use, with an intuitive interface. Plus, This JavaScript easily add your custom JavaScript code to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor. Especially, You just add your custom JavaScript code in the field on the plugin page and this plugin will do the rest for you. Also, It will automatically add your JavaScript code without changing any of your theme files and without slowing down your website.
Provides Features:
- Lightweight and fast
- Secure code using clear coding standards
- Intuitive interface
- Cross-browser compatible (work smooth in any modern browser)
- Compatible with all WordPress themes
- RTL compatible (right to left)
- Translation ready
- Easily customize
- Secure code
- Fast and Lightweight
CSS & JavaScript Toolbox
Secondly, with this JavaScript Plugin, It allows adding CSS, JavaScript, and even HTML and PHP to its unique code blocks. Besides, the premium plugin version will give you more options, more tools, and more flexibility.
Provides Features:
- Add code blocks via Gutenberg blocks
- Assignment Invert feature
- Powerful editing with auto-formatting and syntax highlighting
- Code beautify feature to tidy up your code
- Code minify feature to compress code for performance
- Light and dark editor themes to suits your style
- Full-width and Full-screen modes for distraction-free editing
- Revisions system to auto-backup your code blocks
- Feature-rich
- Flexibility
- Do automatically with Hooks
Simple Custom CSS and JS
Thirdly, this is a perfect WordPress JavaScript plugin for adding custom CSS tweaks to your site. Thanks to this WordPress Javascript Plugin, you can easily customize your WordPress site’s appearance by adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files.
Provides Features:
- Text editor with syntax highlighting
- Print the code inline or included in an external file
- Print the code in the header or the footer
- Add CSS or JS to the frontend or the admin side
- Add as many codes as you want
- Keep your changes also when you change the theme
- Easy to customize
- Update continuously
- Multi-language
Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything
The next JavaScript Plugin allows creating a custom shortcode for HTML, JavaScript, and other snippets. Additionally, You can create easily shortcodes. Moreover, this WordPress Javascript Plugin has 10 available languages to support your website in the best way. Also, It has 80 000+ active installations.
Provides Features:
- Create custom shortcodes easily and use them in any place
- Insert: Custom parameters in the shortcode
- Insert: WordPress parameters in the shortcode
- Multiple editors: Code, Visual and text modes
- Globally disable the shortcode when not needed
- Disable shortcode on desktop, mobile devices
- A button in the post editor to pick the shortcodes to insert
- Supports Gutenberg
- Shortcode
- Multiple editors
- Popular plugin
WP Coder – add custom html, css and js code
Subsequently, this WordPress Javascript Plugin is useful for adding custom code to the site. Plus, You can easily add HTML CSS JS code to the page of your site. Moreover, This plugin is great for placing a connection of various scripts or styles to make the site more beautiful, dynamic, and attractive. Furthermore, you can easily install a pop-up window script or notifications script to a page without overloading the site with different plugins.
Provides Features:
- Easy to use
- Possibility of HTML CSS JavaScript insertion
- Connecting third-party libraries
- Uploading to the site and connecting scripts and styles
- Easy plugin, not overloading the website
- Inserted shortcodes into HTML code
- 5 stars
- Various scripts or styles
- Simply
Live Custom CSS JS Code Editor
The next JavaScript Plugin allows you to add custom site-wide CSS, JavaScript, Header, Footer Code to your WordPress site. Besides, this WordPress Javascript Plugin supports thanks to the help of with help of WordPress Live Customizer. In addition, You also can add Custom CSS or JavaScrip to the WordPress Admin dashboard.
Provides Features:
- Custom CSS code, Javascript code, Header Code
- See Your Changes Immediately on your WordPress Site
- Built-in Syntax Code Highlighter
- 16 Color Schemes
- Live Syntax Checking
- Syntax Highlighting
- Line wrapping
- Code folding
- Multiple cursors and selections
- Handles huge code blocks
- Feature-rich
- Support 2 languages
- 5 stars
Custom CSS/JS
The subsequent plugin is a small and lightweight solution created by Johnibom. With this template, YOu can easily add HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, or Tracking Pixel on your Website without messing up with your theme’s files. Moreover, It gives you the ability to do that right from the WordPress dashboard.
Provides Features:
- HTML (All tags are supported) in the header Block
- Inline CSS in Header
- Inline JS/jQuery in Header
- HTML (All tags are supported) in the footer block
- Inline CSS in Footer
- Inline JS/jQuery in Footer
- Easy to customize
- Support languages
- Small and lightweight
The number of WordPress Javascript plugins is constantly increasing every day. This is extremely useful for web designers and web developers when building websites. Please select the above plugins and start your web design project. If you want to get a new and attractive theme for your site, please visit the website Free WordPress Theme to see more.

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