If you are seeking a tool to manage your product to perform effectively, then you can use these Woocommerce Catalog Plugins we will show you below.

The benefits of utilizing Woocommerce Catalog Plugins

For businesses, the management of the products as well as how they perform plays a very important role. That will make controlling the products easier and more logical. So, now, let’s explore the Top 7 Effective Woocommerce Catalog Plugins

Top Useful Woocommerce Catalog Plugins

WC Catalog Enquiry

Wc Catalog Enquiry

Firstly, we will together discuss about WC Catalog Enquiry. Above all, it is easy to convert your online store with this feature-rich Woocommerce Catalog plugin to a partially or completely catalog website. In addition, you can get product enquiries from customers with enquiry form.

Provided features:

  • Admin can permit product selling for picked products or product categories while they are displaying in the catalog
  • Admin can pick users who will not be able to see stores. They will only see catalog
  • Possibility to add a link or button you have customized to a product page or to all products
  • Apply exclusion rules or not
  • Choose which group (not login or login) users to apply catalog settings
  • And more.


  • Useful and free functions
  • Efficient technical support
  • Easy to use

ELEX WooCommerce Catalog Mode

Elex Woocommerce Catalog Mode

Secondly, we are going to bring you ELEX WooCommerce Catalog Mode. Likewise plugin above, this plugin will turn your store into catalog mode. Besides that, you can replace the Add-to-Cart button with a custom button on product page and shop page.

Provided features:

  • WooCommerce Catalog Mode.
  • Remove Add-to-Cart button.
  • Replace Add-to-Cart button with a Custom Button.
  • Hide product prices.
  • Turn your WooCommerce Store into catalog mode.
  • Redirect product page to third-party or affiliate sites, by assigning a custom URL for products on shop page.


  • Free
  • Easy and simple to use
  • Useful

WooCommerce Catalog Booster

Woocommerce Catalog Booster

The third plugin that you should use is WooCommerce Catalog Booster. In other words, this plugin lets you set a new design for your product listing or product pages. Furthermore, it also helps you control your WooCommerce layout.

Provided features:

  • Disable shopping cart, price, ratings, reviews
  • Add button with custom label that will show up on each product page
  • Allow you to select from one of 3 modern product listing templates
  • Enable separate product catalog


  • Great support
  • Effective
  • Free

YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode

Yith Woocommerce Catalog Mode

Fourthly, YITH gives us a wonderful Woocommerce Catalog plugin to convert your Woocommerce to a wonderful online catalog. Moreover, you can show clients warehouse maintenance actions without putting your site offline. Thus, it’s a really good plugin for improving customer loyalty!

Provided features:

  • Hiding “Add to Cart” button in the Woocommerce product detail page as well as in other pages
  • Turn on/off Catalog Mode
  • and more.


  • Work great
  • Simple to use.

Catalog For WooCommerce

Catalog For Woocommerce

Another plugin you shouldn’t miss is Catalog For WooCommerce. That is to say, by hiding button Add to Cart, prices, reviews, ratings,…this plugin supports you change your Woocommerce online store to a catalog mode easily.

Provided features:

  • Hiding Add to Cart/Ratings/Reviews/Price tag at the product page and shop page
  • Adding customized button with link
  • Re-style customized button
  • Opening links on the new window
  • and more.


  • Easy to use
  • Good support service.

Ecommerce Product Catalog Plugin For WordPress

Ecommerce Product Catalog Plugin For Wordpress

Ecommerce Product Catalog Plugin For Wordpres is another plugin in this collection. Above all, this plugin from impleCode is an amazing option for you to use for your site, since it is fully responsive and Free. In addition, let’s check its other functions below.

Provided features:

  • Display item at the position you want, with custom parameter and price
  • The way product display is customizable
  • Customers can require a quote for picked products or all products from the catalog
  • and more.


  • Dynamic
  • Customizable and easy to use
  • Fully responsive on mobile

Ultimate Product Catalog

Ultimate Product Catalog

The last plugin we want to give you is Ultimate Product Catalog. This plugin can assist you display product beautifully. Further, catalog format is also easy to customize.

Provided features:

  • Three layouts of product catalog provided
  • Decide price for selling products
  • Turn on/off selling prices for the whole catalogue or only for specific items
  • Toggling on/off sale prices for whole catalogue and specific items
  • Widgets are available for showing product list or product
  • Direct upload or import product from a spreadsheet for item catalogue
  • and more.


  • Straightforward to install and use
  • Responsive support team
  • Perfect customization options.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, do you feel this collection is informative for you? If yes, then you can read again clearly and pick the best one for your site. Moreover, don’t forget to change your site look with more Free WordPress Themes here.

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